FATP Announcement

16 September 2024
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The Fund was admitted to quotation on a Securities Exchange, units in the Fund are traded on a Securities Exchange like any listed security. Investors application monies are pooled together with other investors’ money. Fat Prophets pools the application monies of all unit holders to buy investments and manage them on behalf of unit holders in accordance with the Fund’s investment strategy. By investing in the Fund, unit holders have access to investments they may not be able to access on their own and benefit from the investment capabilities of Fat Prophets’ investment team. The Fund serves as an efficient mechanism to invest on behalf of all unit holders.

The investment process combines top down fundamental qualitative and quantitative research with company valuations based on an analysis of forecast future cash flows. Stock weightings typically range from 2% to 10% depending on risk weights applied. That results in a diversified portfolio with the number holdings in the range 20 – 50.

Investment risk is primarily managed through close analytical attention. Capital preservation can be managed by holding up to 100% cash. Index and currency options and futures exchange traded funds and spot FX transactions may also be used to manage risk. Forward foreign exchange contracts may also be used to manage currency risk.

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Why invest in FATP.ASX?


Diversified Portfolio

The Fund includes large capitalisation names and is constructed on the basis of strict criteria, getting exposed to some of the fastest-growing companies wordwide at geographical and sectoral diversification, lowering the concentration risk


Fund's Philosophy

The Fund’s philosophy reflects Fat Prophets’ objective to build wealth by investing in undervalued stocks, sectors, and markets. The Fund also seeks to capitalise on opportunities with disruptive companies that are changing the way business is done globally


Thematic Strategy

The Fund’s strategy takes advantage of disruption and contrarian opportunities within industries that may have been in a lengthy downturn and approaching a key inflection point. Fat Prophets expects this approach outperforms relevant global indices


Investment Manager

Key Personnels at Fat Prophets all have 25+ years experience investing in multiple asset classes across global markets, two of whom are Fat Prophets’s CEO Angus Geddes and Portfolio Manager Simon Wheatley

How to invest in FATP.ASX?

Apply via ASX

Once the units are quoted on the ASX, Investors can invest in the Fund by buying units through a broker who will settle the buy order on the CHESS settlement service. Application Forms are not required to be completed and there is no minimum investment amount. The price applied to the investors buy order will be the market price at the time of purchase as reflected by the price at which they have bought units on the ASX.

Apply with Administrator Initial Application

Completed Application Forms should be sent along with your identification documents (if applicable) to:

Mainstream Fund Services Pty Ltd
Client Services Registry Team
GPO Box 4968
Sydney, NSW, 2001

The minimum initial investment amount to invest in the Fund directly is $5,000. Please note that cash and cheques cannot be accepted.

Learn more about Applications and Withdrawals

Wanna know more?

If you have any other questions about the fund, please email us at info@fatprophets.com.au or call via 02 9024 6700. Alternatively, please enter your details and one of our representatives will get in touch shortly!

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